Waring JEX328 Health Juice Extractor
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Waring JEX328 Health Juice Extractor

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Some Facts About Blender Parts

Some Facts About Blender Parts

It does not depend on the kind of kitchen you have, whether for family or commercial use, the blender is definitely a must-have. Being one of the most commonly used kitchenware, it really pays if you choose the right blender for you in order to spare you from the hassle of constant replaceMents of the enTire blender or blender parts.

In choosing the right blender, it is important to know the type of materials used in the different blender parts:

• For the blender jar:

- The most common material used for this part is transparent plastic. Blenders made of plastic are usually the cheapest ones. Usually it is thick enough to withstand cracks due to constant use. When cracks appeared on the surface of the jar, bacteria can penetrate to the Food inside

- Stainless steel blender jar can be more durable than plastic. However, steel is subject to dents and scratches. Aside from that you will not be able to see the Food inside.

- Traditional material for the blender jar is the glass. Nowadays, the glasses of the blender jar are made thick enough to withstand breakage such as accidental drop on hard surfaces.

• Cover and Lid - usually this is made of plastic and rubber resistant to high impacts. Among the blender parts, this is the first one subject to breakage.

• The Collar and Sealing Gasket - These are the parts where the food is protected from leakage from the blender jar and keeps it water tight. This is usually made of rubber and constant use will make you replace these parts every now and then.

• The machine - this is the part where you control the speed of the mixing component. The volTAGe of this part ranges from 250 watts to 1800 watts. The rule of the thumb here is that the higher the volTAGe, the more costly it is.

waring commercial juicer

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Benefits of Waring Blender Parts

The Benefits of Waring Blender Parts

We use a variety of blenders and juicers in our kitchen every day and almost all the houses in the world are usually equipped with the perfect range of such products. However, the use of Waring blenders will be the best as their products are always on the top of the list of effective blender models. Also the blenders manufactured by the Waring have certain specific properties that give them the highest range of importance among the buyers in this world. The market value of the blenders from Waring may not be very suitable to our pockets; however we will be gaining imMensely if we are ready to invest properly in the Waring blender models available for our use. They provide blenders that satisfy the needs of almost every person in this world. They are modelled for using in high end applications like bakery shops and other similar shops where we need to use them almost every minute of the day or in smaller applications like during weekly or monthly parties and celebrations.

This being the case, we need to have exact spares and replaceMent parts for the parts used in the blender models we use. The common parts requested will be the control panel, motor, removable blade and the glass carafe. The availability of waring parts is abundant in online sites and the outlets authorised by the company. We can get the specific Waring blender parts in the number we need either by delivery services or in person. They provide an unbeatable guarantee period for the parts, against quick wear and tear. The Waring blender parts obtained from the online sites will benefit very much as they will be able to fit for the model we have. Getting the parts from unauthorised service and spares centres will not fit the needs of our blender model. Thereby we come to understand the potential and benefits of the Waring blenders.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Benefits of Juicers

The Benefits of Juicers

Juicers are a useful tool that can help you lose weight and become healthier on a day to day basis because they allow you to make smoothies and juices at home. This allows you to make a smoothie almost as quickly as you would pour yourself a soda and it is so much healthier to have a smoothie or a glass of juice. Smoothies and juices also help you to trick your stomach into thinking it is full and killing your cravings for unhealthy Foods and drinks. Juicers allow you to create a wide array of sweet things to help you feed that sweet tooth of yours without having to resort to unhealthy snacks. You can also make sweet things for children that are healthy and will satisfy their craving for sweets without ruining their health.

Juicers help you to get a sufficient intake of nutrients and vitamins from both fruits and vegetables because they are concentrated in the juice produced. Juicers also allow you to create the exact combination of fruits and/or vegetables that you feel like at that point in time. If fruits and/or vegetables can be juiced it allows people with insufficient digestive power to be able to acquire adequate nutrients and vitamins which might enable their quality of life to be maintained at a constant level or even increase, depending on their current situation.

Commercial juicers

Commercial juicers are designed to provide your establishMent with the tool to provide your customers with a wonderful health experience. The motors are made for long life and with the expectation that you will be juicing more than a gallon of juice per day. The feeder is larger to accommodate larger pieces of fruit to prevent you having to slice all ingredients into small pieces. There are many well known brands that produce high quality commercial juicers. Some of them are: Champion, Juice Tree, Miracle, NutriFaster, Omega, Ruby, Sunkist and Waring to name a few.

Wheatgrass juicers

Wheatgrass is a highly underutilized source of nutrients. The largest portion of its composition is chlorophyll. It is 70% Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll, along with having many health benefits, has proven to be a natural body cleanser and neutralizer of body toxins. Wheatgrass juicers are specifically engineered to get the greatest quantity of nutrients from the wheatgrass you will be juicing. To get the greatest benefits available from one of Natures best kept secrets you will need a juicer that is made to juice wheatgrass as other juicers may not get all the nutrients available out of it. There are many well known brands that produce high quality wheatgrass juicers. Some of them are: Back to Basics, Greenstar, Life Choice, Marvel, Miracle, Samson, Tribest and Wheateena to name a few.

Citrus juicers

Citrus fruit provide us with a treasure trove of vitamins - chief of which is Vitamin C, but it also demands specialized juicers to ensure that all the nutrients that are in the fruit come through into the juice and provide us with all the goodness that is present in the fruit. Citrus juicers concentrate the nutrients since you will drink more citrus juice than you will eat citrus fruits. Many well known brands make the appropriate juicers that will get the best out of the citrus fruits you plan to juice. Some of them are: Juice Tree, L'Equip, Miracle, Moline , Omega, Orangex, Samson, Sunkist, Titan, Tribest and Waring to name a few.

Masticating juicers

Masticating juicers are juicers that masticate/ chew the fruit or vegetables fed into them. They can be used to make homogenized products such as apple sauce or baby Food as well as creating juice and they can create products such as nut butters or shaved ice with the right combinations of plates. This type of juicer will allow a wide range of production types as it is versatile. It first grates produce, then masticates it and finally juices it to create the output you require. There are many well known brands which produce high quality masticating juicers. Some of them are: Champion, L'Equip, Life Choice, Samson and Tribest to name a few.