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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bartending Terms

Bartending Terms

Drinks requiring only shaking are covered with a plastic shaker cup and mixed within the glass; whereas shaken or stirred and strained and strained drinks are originally mixed within (a) shaker cups (glass & stainless steel) and then transferred to a glass. Remember to always fill your shaker full of ice before mixing drinks requiring either stirring/shaking and straining. The same applies to glassware; always start with a full glass of ice.

Bartending Terms

Bartending Terms

Bartending Terms

Bartending Terms

Bartending Terms


Please keep in mind that while directions such as "shoot", "drink drink without using hands" ignite "or" drink ", while leaning head over bar pour drink into mouth" are all authentic recipe components, they are only suggestions and should not be attempted if you feel that they might pose a hazard to yourhealth. Make certain to never carry or transport a lit drink, as alcohol is a flammable liquid and should be respectfully treated as such. Before drinking, completely extinguish any drink suggesting ignition.

Always overstock on ice, fresh reSupply is critical to the maintenance of professional standards. Whenever glassware or bottles are broken in the vicinity of the ice bin, melt the ice with hot water, clean the bin, and restock with new ice.


Ice can be one of the most important factors in determining a drink's quality. Generally speaking, the small square-shaped "slices" usually referred to as "ice bar" are best. Aside from preventing premature blender destruction, the smaller style ice cube, will by virtue of increased surface area, make for a significantlycolder drink. The resulting reduction in pressure vapor (fumes) from the alcohol makes for a more palatable mixed drink.

As Mentioned before in the section on Ice, whenever glassware or bottles are broken in the vicinity of the ice bin, melt the ice with hot water, clean the bin and restock with new ice.

A 2-speed commercial blender is practically a must for quality frozens. Don't destroy a 15-speed kitchen blender trying to crush ice; it's simply not made for the Job. Waring® produces a good line of commercial 2-speed Blender models that start at less than $ 90.00.

Csf MeasureMent

The use of a shot system has been adopted, whereby a shot is equal to size jigger whichever you use, keeping in mind that the recipes are based on a 1 1/2oz. shot. When using a different size jigger, correct proportioning can be main-tained by using larger glassware and more mixer if the "shot" is bigger or vice versa if smaller. Use a 1 1/4 oz. shot and the specified sizes and measurements for a milder recipe variation. Splashes are 1 oz., 4 ozs. scoops are and dashes are from 3 to 5 drops. This system was chosen not only because it's quick and easy to use but most importantly, because it's adaptable to your bartending style.

Liquor Measuring Key:

Dash------ -3 to 5 drops

Scoop----- -4 ounces

Shot------ -1 1/2 ounces

Splash---- -1 ounce

Tablespoon-'/2 ounce (3 tspn.)

T­easpoon­­---'/6 ounce

A.K.A.-----"Also Known As"

S.A.-------"See Also"

V/O--------"Variation orOption "


R----------"Registered Trademark"

Bartending Terms